Thursday, November 8, 2012

A1 Summary Board

Too big to upload


Looking towards the future 


In future, more emphasis on diagramming to communicate ideas. My presentation lacked the right diagrams to communicate sustainability ideas for the future proposal. 


All plans, sections, and elevations need to be done in Auto CAD. Hand drawing the plans read poorly... and lacks the punch computer plans present. 


Experiment rendering hand drawings using water colour 

Factitious Story

Perspective Reference

Walk-through via Perspective 

Office Modules

Office Modules 
The office modules were given a rating out of 3, according to 3 different categories; Capacity (how many people can use them at one time), Privacy (how private are they), Acoustic (what are the acoustic qualities of the modules). If a module had good privacy it was given a 3, if it had poor acoustic qualities it was given a 1 etc.


More consideration needed to be taken to insure the modules adhered to their given rating. Some modules appear to have different privacy and acoustic ratings despite being of a similar design.   i should have taken more time to draw the modules accurately to represent what ratings i wanted the module to achieve.

WiFi Dependency

WiFi Dependency 
The success of the space relies heavily on the public's access to WiFi.  WiFi is necessary in the space for the interactive screens to be of use to people.

The proposal would advertise free WiFi for the first 30 minutes to help activate the space. A Go-Fi would be used in a similar fashion to that of a Go-card... after 30 minutes has expired, money would then be deducted from the card depending on how long you use the internet for.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hand Drawn vs Renders

Sprawl out Space Hand Drawn
 Sprawl out Space Rendered
  Re-discovered Green Space Hand Drawn
   Re-discovered Green Space Rendered
Myer Centre Link Hand Drawn
 Myer Centre Link Rendered
Work Modules Hand Drawn

Work Modules Rendered

Walkway Hand Drawn
 Walkway Rendered
Myer Centre Hand Drawn
Myer Centre Rendered

Elizabeth Street Hand Drawn
Elizabeth Street Rendered

Working Drawings

Plan of the Entity
Elevated Section of the Entity 
3 Dimensional Section of the Entity

Working towards a Future Scenario

Conceptual Perspective of the Myer Centre Link 

Conceptual Perspective of the re-discovered green space 

Conceptual walkway diagram

Working Plan 
                                                                Formatting a Story Board